
From the blog

The Alaeis on AIDS prevention


As a nation, Iran has dealt with the issue of addiction, aids, and drugs for many years now and the lack of knowledge we have about this issue is a contributing factor to this growing problem. This week Iranican tackles one of the more serious issues of the Iranian community, aids and addiction. In doing so, we have invited Dr. Kamiar and Dr. Arash Alaei to join us on our show. Dr. Kamiar Alaei and his brother Dr. Arash Alaei are two Iranian HIV/AIDS doctors who were detained in Tehran’s Evin prison for the past few years. Prior to their arrest, they developed harm-reduction programs in Iran and developed the program Global Health in the Middle East and Central Asia, an HIV/AIDS training program for regional health experts. These two brothers received Heinz R. Pagels Human Rights of Scientists Award from the New York Academy of Science in 2009, the Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights by the Global Health Council in June 2011, and the first award for leadership in health and Human Rights by PAHO/WHO in December 2011. You can view the CNN coverage on the doctors here. We are beyond thankful to be able to speak with Doctors Kamiar and Arash and shed some light on the issue of aids, addiction, and drug usage. So listen to our podcast, enjoy our show, send us some love, and don’t forget to “Like” our page on faceBook, and leave us a voicemail at 1-762-BEFARMA (762-2332-762)! Download Mp3


  1. kheiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mamnoooon az in mosahebe, kheiliiiiiiiiiiiiii amoozande boood, ehsase khooobi dasht chizhaye ziadi azatoon yad gereftam