
From the blog

Why do it today, when it can wait till tomorrow?!!

“One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow” and I believe way too many of us live by that rule. Regardless of what stage of your life you’re in or what chore you’re putting off, us humans tend to procrastinate, a lot! Charlie Brown, a very popular American cartoon justifies his reason for procrastination by saying “If I start writing now… when I’m not really rested… it could upset my thinking which is not good at all… I’ll get a fresh start tomorrow… and it’s not due till Wednesday… so I’ll… have all of Tuesday unless… something should happen… why does this always happen? I should be outside playing… getting fresh air and sunshine… I work best under pressure and there’ll be lots of pressure if I… wait till tomorrow” and I personally have used this reasoning many times.

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Researchers show procrastination is related to personality and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is measured by one’s dominance over their emotions. If a person has an intrapersonal personality, they are better at managing time and therefore procrastinate less. Getting ready to go out, writing a paper for your class, paying the bills, or even sending that dreaded e-mail to your boss we tend to leave things for the last minute. As Iranian-Americans, we are the kings and queens of procrastination. When faced with a difficult task we most commonly say “baba velesh kon” (forget it) or “hala farda mikonam” (I’ll do it tomorrow), and let’s not forget the Maz Jobrani “take it eeeeaaaassyyyy.”  The most famous example of our procrastination is our new definition to the PST which now stands for Persian Standard Time instead of Pacific Standard Time. Tune in to Iranican Live this week to hear our lovely hosts speak their opinion of the procrastination theory.


Book:  The Procrastination Equation



  1. I think I have some information that can help you with this topic. First of all, a lot of students who procrastinate studying or working on projects end up resorting to drugs to get their work done. I’m surprised you didn’t talk about Adderall use on college campuses and how students use and sell Adderall to study for finals and stay awake to write papers and work on projects. There is even debate as to whether ADD and ADHD are real “disorders.” This is a huge issue right now. 30-40 years ago college kids used to use speed to stay up late to study for tests, now it’s Adderall. Some even get a friend or family member who is a doctor to prescribe it to them. And get this: if you have ADD they let you take the SAT untimed!

    Personally, I agree with the author of this post that procrastination is an emotional problem and related to emotional intelligence. Here are some cures I have found helpful in the past:
    1) Deactivating your facebook account. (I usually do this when I have a lot to do)
    2) Deactivating the internet on your phone. (I did this once and I never went back, having internet on your phone is a BIG waste of time and money).
    3) Giving up your cell phone in general.
    4) If you play video games, either throw them away or give them to a friend for safe keeping.

    In the end, technology is the root of half our problems…

  2. great episode/podcast guys! Thumbs up for the links too!

    P.s: the only good thing about Shahed being gone is having Iman back!


  3. Reaaaally? Guys Really?
    I’m a Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy,
    Mili’s Just a Short Form of Milad,
    Gosh,check me on FB Mili Nakhlkar