
From the blog

Merry and Happy with Maz Jobrani

We’ve a light episode for you with much jokes, fun, and special phone guest appearance by Maziar Jobrani, the best Iranican Comedian on earth!
Send us your funny Holiday stories and we’ll read the best on the next show!

Download the MP3: (High Quality)

Holiday with Maz Jobrani Links:, Facebook, Twitter: @MazJobrani, YouTube


  1. Hello Gals and Pals

    I am a big fan of this show, it’s very funny and entertaining and I laugh a lot at your jokes and the way you talk to each other 😀

    I can think of few ways to improve the quality of this amazing program:

    1- Make an Ideal team of hosts including Iman, hooshang, Ali, Shahed, Omid and maybe Elnaz

    2- Make it weekly (no BS excuses please)

    3- Invite more people – not only those who you interview like Maz and khanum doctor but also those who can participate as the Hosts once in a while, there are many young Iranicans living here in bay area and I am sure they would love to participate and contribute to your program, it’s always fun to hear a new voice, If someone has an opinin and Idea let them talk and invite them over

    4- Pick topics that are DIRECTLY related to iranians “”living in US””. This can be topics covering relationships, sex, employment ,Money, power,… How other nationalities see us, Iranian food

  2. Kheyli bahale bood podcaste
    Farzad always sounds like a grade ٢٠ stoner while Elnaz sounds like she just ate 44 megatonnes of helium (hahaha sorry Elnaz but its true :))
    Again THANKYOU for mentioning my name 
    Love you all happy new year
    Payam Forghani