
From the blog

Educational System: Iran vs. U.S.

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From the second we enter high school in the United States, we are taught that the looming SATs that we have to take our junior year are going to ultimately affect the rest of our lives.  Our scores will dictate what college we will get into and whether or not we have any chance of becoming successful in the world after college.  From age 15, we enroll in SAT prep classes, take practice exams and stress over the dreadful exam.  In Iran, kids are aware of the notorious college entrance exam, “concour,” practically form the second they are born.  In fact, one year after high school is solely dedicated to studying for (what sounds to me) the most difficult exam on the planet.  I remember when my little cousin took his exam and was placed at number 2,500 out of the hundreds of thousands of kids that took the exam.  I was so proud of him for (what seemed to me) placing so well, but my aunt had a mental breakdown.  I remember her leaving the room and muttering to him, “Why didn’t you do better?”  The amount of pressure that is put on Iranian children to do well in school is exceedingly more than kids in America… or is it?  What is the difference between the educational systems in the U.S. versus Iran? Did you attend school in Iran or America– what was the most challenging part of your educational career?  Join our co-hosts tonight at 7pm PST to find out.

Links: RSAnimate Education

Iranian Live Talk Show airs on every other Wed @ 7PM, every other Fri at 9AM on Radio Bamdad Sacramento, and is available for podcast on



  1. Hi!
    What is the name of the theme song (the one after Arash’s “dasta bala”)?
    And what are the name of the two songs in this show starting at 37:44 ?

    1. Ali jan,

      The song immediately after Dasta Bala is “Shine On” by R.I.O., the song at 17:50 is from an Abo Atash Podcast in Radio Javan. Unfortunately I can’t tell you which one, and the song at 37:44 “Vaghti Khabi Negat mikonam” was picked and played by Iman. Hopefully after he’s off Iranican Live, he will have time to respond to you =)

  2. Sad to see Iman go! He held the show together! I enjoyed listening to his point of view many times, even the times I totally didn’t agree with him. Even listening to some of the older podcasts sometimes while I am at work I notice how talented of a talk show host he is. He says things informally, and to the point, and has a way of speaking which can captivate a wide rage of the Iranian-American audience. I think Farzad’s style is similar, although he is more goofy but somehow more conservative than Iman. I hope Iman’s hiatus is short lived and he returns to the show very soon!

    In the meantime, Iranican needs more female farsi hosts!

  3. I love you Shahed. Why didn’t you treat me better? then I wasn’t forced to pull your leg so often :)

  4. I think the American Educational system is much more better than the Iranian system, I mean there are a lot of educated and clever students in Iran, but lets not forget about the corruption that there is, there’s always cheating in exams and assignments, and according to reports, millions of teenagers have not enrolled in schools and universities due to lack of funds to cover the fees, and of course, the goverment does nothing to help, so that would be another problem for Iran. But from what I’ve heard, the teaching standards in Iran is extremley very high, so I wouldn’t blame them for cheating in exams. And shahed’s right, in America & UK, there’s like different levels which makes it much easier to learn.

  5. Finally, I found your picture shahed!
    Unlike your voice that is so wild-sexy, you look pretty innocent and lovely :)