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Why do you think you’re not “Pretty” Enough?

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What is the most frequent plastic surgery Iranians go through?  Nose jobs.  Now, I’ll be the first to admit it, my nose isn’t exactly “cute.” I have a semi-typical Iranian nose… a little on the bigger side, but not too outrageous (I think).  Anyway, for as long as I can remember, my aunt was always advocating for me to get a nose job every time I would go to visit her in Iran.  Even my dad offered to buy me a nose job as my “high school graduation gift.”  These offers and arguments for me to get a nose job often made me feel like I wasn’t pretty enough.  I used to stare at my nose in the mirror and wonder what it would look like if it was a little smaller… Then one day, my aunt in Iran tricked me to go see a plastic surgeon.  Tricked you say– how?  We were going for a cousin of mine who was getting a nose job because she had difficulty breathing through her nose at night, then after her consultation was done, my aunt asked the surgeon what he would recommend for me.  Needless to say, I was mortified.  He asked me to turn my head, inspected my face from every angle and then he said this, “I would recommend that Sarah didn’t get a nose job.  It’s her imperfection that makes her beautiful.”

From then on, I realized something: Without imperfections or flaws, we would all be Barbie- we would all have the same generic, uninteresting look.  But, with our imperfections and flaws, we are unique.  I have never regretted not getting a nose job and in fact, I have come to love my Iranian nose.  It is a symbol of where I came from and who I am.  Of course, there are days where I don’t feel as entirely secure as I am probably making it sound, but regardless, I will never get that nose job.  Join our co-hosts next Wednesday as they discuss the definition of beauty.  Until then, you tell us: What defines beauty?  Was there ever a moment where you felt insecure about the way you looked?

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Iranian Live Talk Show airs on every other Wed @ 7PM, every Fri 9AM on Radio Bamdad Sacramento, and is available for podcast every Wed on


  1. Hi! Last show Shahed just mentioned something interesting and didn’t elaborate on it so much. I’m referring to her trip around the world. It would be really great to hear more about that. I have a couple of questions for her:
    How many countries did you go to and which places? How did you travel around?
    Did you go all by yourself or with friends? Did you have language problems? Did you stay at hotels or family? What was the best thing about the trip? What did you learn from it? Did you feel safe during your travels?

    The reason these questions are interesting isn’t just because she is shower-hot :) but because they can inspire listeners to do something similar. I’m 25 and I’ve thought to do a trip like this for a long time but I don’t know really how to go about it.

  2. One interesting thing either Iman or omid (or one of the other farsi speakers) said was about the real meaning of the word “oskol” being a bird that forgets where it stores its food. lol. Are you sure it’s a bird? I know that a lot of animals that harvest and bury their food don’t remember where they put it, they don’t have a long term memory like humans do. Instead they use their sense of smell to find their food (for example squirrels are also like this). Infact, I don’t think any animal that harvests food has memory. They use their sense of smell for everything…

    Anyway, this was a good topic that had a good theme and a good conclusion that benefits society in many ways (a lot better than your last show).

  3. I have a question for shahid. I want to know what’s the best way to get laid when vacationing at europe?
    I am sure you wouldn’t discuss this on the show cause you are still too conservative to bring this up.

  4. Khaste nabashid bacheha. Manam ye soali daram. Ini ke to chand ta barnameye ghabletun goftid ke MAA TOO IRAN TARAFDAR DARIM KOLLI VA KHOSHHALIM KE AZ IRAN BE BARNAMAMUN GOOSH MIKONAN VA BARAYE HAMIN DIGE BARNAMAMUN FARSI KHAHAD BOOD KE HAME AZ IRAN HAM GOOSH KONAN chi shod?!!! enteghadate khaili az maharo ke enghadr sare in mozoo goftim ke kollan hich tavajjohi behesh nashod o tahvili nagereftin. Bacehhaye iran ham ke enghad azashun tarif kardino khoshhal boodin ham ke kollan hesab nashodan. Mikhastam bebinam chi shod in barnameye farsi zabanetun?? khaili mamnun